Jocko Benoit's Writing and Pop Culture Spot

Perspectives on the arts and popular culture from Jocko (Jacques) Benoit. Scattered thoughts on poetry, books, film, television, and other cultural intersections.

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Fringed Again

Another Fringe recommendation:

The Excursionists: If you’ve ever wondered what Monty Python would do with a Jules Verne story, wonder no more. This play gives us two intrepid underwater explorers determined to find a new England now that the old England has sunk. Cannibals, sea monsters, messages in bottles – this is steam punk meets steam ponce and it doesn’t hurt that one of the duo resembles Malcolm McDowell in his Time After Time H.G. Wells role. Inventive and goofy, this play has got to be seen to be disbelieved.


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